Addressing Islamism Through Fiqh Al-Bi'ah: an Educational Approach in The Miftahul Ula Islamic Boarding School, Kertosono, Nganjuk


  • Maslachah Maslachah Postgraduate - IAIN Kediri, Kediri City, East Java
  • Ghazza Jaudat Fastmadhi Al Mu'min Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Temanggung, Indonesia
  • Nazwa Svenska Aulia Fastmadhi Al Mu'min Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Temanggung, Indonesia
  • Deddi Fasmadhy Satiadharmanto Postgraduate - IAIN Kediri, Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia


Islamic Religious Education, Fiqh Al-Bi'ah, Islamism, Islamic Boarding School, Cleanliness


This study explores the implementation of Islamic religious education, especially through the lens of Fiqh Al-Bi'ah, as a basic strategy to overcome radicalism in Pesantren Miftahul Ula Kertosono Nganjuk. Fiqh Al-Bi'ah, which focuses on environmental and cleanliness jurisprudence, becomes a comprehensive framework to instill the values ??of cleanliness, sanctity, and environmental management among students.This study investigates how this educational approach contributes to shaping a culture that is resistant to the ideology of Islamism in the pesantren community. By examining the practical application and impact of Fiqh Al-Bi'ah, this study aims to provide insight into effective educational strategies in dealing with Islamism in Islamic educational environments.


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How to Cite

Maslachah, M., Jaudat Fastmadhi, G., Svenska Aulia Fastmadhi, N., & Fasmadhy Satiadharmanto, D. (2024). Addressing Islamism Through Fiqh Al-Bi’ah: an Educational Approach in The Miftahul Ula Islamic Boarding School, Kertosono, Nganjuk. Siber Nusantara of Community and Service Review, 1(1), 36–47. Retrieved from