Author Guidelines

Please download the Template that we have provided.

Title: Font Times New Roman, Size 16, Capital  Each Word, left align, bolds


Author1, Author2, Author3, etc. (full name, not abbreviated, without a title, size 12)

1Institutions, Regions, Countries, email. (size 11)

2Institutions, Regions, Countries, email.

3Institutions, Regions, Countries, email.


Corresponding Author: email1(size 11)


Abstract: Abstracts are written in one paragraph using standard Indonesian with enhanced spelling. Maximum 150 words, using Times New Roman font size 12, Space 1, Italic. Contains a brief description of the overall results of the study including background issues, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Avoid writing bibliography citations, as well as abbreviations in the abstract. The abstract contains the title of the article, research object, objectives, methods, and results. Abstracts are written in Bahasa and English (time new roman, size 12, space 1)


Keyword: Consists of 3-5 keywords, keyword 1, keyword 2, etc.


Manuscript Structure

Articles must contain writing containing, 1) Introduction, 2) Literature Review, 3) Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 4) Results and Discussion, 5) Conclusions, and References. The text uses Times New Roman in 12 bold letters. The contents of the introduction are the answers to the questions: a. background, b. Brief literature review, c. The reason for this research is, d. About goals.



The introduction contains the research background in a concise, concise, and clear manner; research purposes; as well as supporting theories. Written in Times New Roman font, size 12, space 1. Writing in a foreign language is typed in italics. In narrative writing, no need to be given a special subtitle. Included in the writing of operational definitions, if deemed necessary, also written narratively. All forms of reference used must be written down the source. Writing citations or references using body notes, namely by writing the last name of the author and the year of writing written in brackets (Muthmainnah, 2017). (Time New Romance, size 12, space 1)

The problem formulation contains article questions that must be explained in the discussion and answered in the conclusion.



The research method contains the type of research, sample and population or research subjects, time and place of research, instruments, procedures, and research techniques, as well as other matters relating to the method of research. This section can be divided into several sub-chapters, but no numbering is necessary.



This section contains data (in brief form), data analysis, and interpretation of the results. Results can be presented in tables or graphs to clarify the results verbally because sometimes the display of an illustration is more complete and informative than the display in narrative form.

This section must answer the problems or research hypotheses that have been formulated previously.



The conclusion must be linked to the title and answer the research formulation or objectives. Do not make statements that are not adequately supported by your findings. Write down improvements made to industrial engineering or science in general. Don't create further discussion, repeat abstracts, or simply list research findings. Don't use bullet points, use paragraph sentences instead.



Reference is a list of information cited in a text that is identified and taken by the author and is sourced from books and scientific articles. The information cited is from accurate and genuine sources. Consistency in references allows readers to focus on the original content of the article.

References must be presented in full and by the information cited in the contents of the article. The reference list must be arranged alphabetically (A to Z) and written last, with the concept of the American Psychological Association (APA) or by using the Mendeley application.


Description Place the table at the top of the table. The description is written in the middle with a distance of 1 space from the table. As with the description of the figure, the table description is also numbered sequentially. Writing table sources are Placed below the table and aligned with the left margin of the table in Times New Roman font size 10. Writing in the table is typed with a single space. Horizontal lines are prioritized for table lines while vertical lines are omitted.
Images are placed in the center (center) and referred to in the text (in line with the text). Captions for pictures are written under the pictures and numbered. Figure captions begin with an uppercase letter. If the description of the image is more than 1 line, it is written with a space of 1. If the image is a reference, then the source of the reference is also written. Image reference sources are typed in Times New Roman font size 10.


The blue color is part or sub-chapter of the article manuscript) as shown in the image below.

Footer and page numbering of manuscripts (articles) use Accent Bar 2. The tutorial is (Insetè Page NumberèBottom PageèAccent Bar 2.

  1. Standard margins (top-bottom-right-left= 2.54)
  2. The black letter or text color
  3. The color of the letters or text of the section or sub-chapter is blue, as shown in the example in this template and attached below.
  4. 1 Space,
  5. Font type time new romance,
  6. Manuscript font size 12
  7. Font size for table and figure titles 10
  8. Font size contents of tables and figures 10
  9. Header and footer font size 10
  10. Spacing between paragraphs (spacing before and after) = 0
  11. The distance between sub-chapters or sections 1 x enter
  12. Several pages 7-15 pages. Number of pages in the Abstract and Introduction section (max. 25%), Method section (max. 15%), Results and Discussion (minimum 40%), and Conclusions and References (max. 20%)
  13. Do not use numbering, apart from numbers 1,2,3, and so on other than the formulation of the problem, discussion, and conclusion. Example: 1. aaaaa; 2. bbbbb; 3. ccccc; etc.
  14. If you use a number other than the formulation, on, discussion, and conclusion, you must use a different number from the formula, on, discussion, and conclusion.PPP PPPle: a)Q Q Qppp; berrorqqq; c). rrrrr; etc.
  15. References use the concept or style of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  16. Font type Header and Footer time new romance, font size 11
  17. Explanations in yellow are removed from the manuscript (article)
  18. Manuscripts that do not conform to the format and template will be rejected