Effect Fluctuations in MFO and HSD Fuel Prices Against Current Indonesian Sea Freight Passengers and Cargo (April 2023 – April 2024)


  • Nafalla Puteri Ramadhani Institute Transportation and Logistics Trisakti , Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Tohir Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics , Jakarta , Indonesia




Fuel Price Fluctuation, Sea Transportation, Cargo Volume, Operational Efficiency, Adaptive Policy


This research aiming For analyze impact fluctuation price material burn to the volume of goods transported through transport sea , with approach descriptive quantitative . Data obtained from report operational company shipping and publication price material burn in period five years time last . Introduction explain importance efficiency cost operational in increase Power competition transport sea . Methodology study covers secondary data collection and analysis regression For measure connection between price material fuel and volume of goods transported . Research results show that increase price material burn , like High-Speed Diesel (HSD) and Marine Fuel Oil (MFO), contribute significant to improvement cost operational , which has an impact on reducing the volume of transportation goods . On the other hand , the decline price material burn influential positive to increase in transport volume sea . Discussion underline factor external , such as price world oil and policy domestic , which also influence stability operational voyage . The conclusion suggests importance implementation policy adaptive and management operational based on efficiency For guard stability sector transportation sea in face dynamics price global energy . This research give contribution to planning strategic in the sector maritime , especially in mitigation risk consequence fluctuation price material burn.


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How to Cite

Ramadhani, N. P., & Tohir, M. (2025). Effect Fluctuations in MFO and HSD Fuel Prices Against Current Indonesian Sea Freight Passengers and Cargo (April 2023 – April 2024). Siber Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 2(2), 52–62. https://doi.org/10.38035/sjtl.v2i2.391

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