Plagiarism Policy

Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP)  Editor's Board agreed that plagiarism cannot be accepted and approved because it was agreed by those who agreed to the demands after agreeing to plagiarism / approving articles submitted for approval at SNLP. Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP) will use Plagiarism Checker X's originality checking software as a tool to verify the text in the article script and the final version of the article is ready for use. A maximum of 15% is approved for paper sent. If we find more than 15% of the index agree the article will be returned to the author to be corrected and sent back.



Plagiarism involves "the use or placement of language imitations and the thoughts of other writers and their representation as someone's original work."



Papers must be original, not published, and not wait for publication elsewhere. Any material that is taken verbatim from other sources must be clearly explained about differing from this original text by (1) indenting, (2) using quotes, and (3) using sources.

Any text with an amount that exceeds the fair use standard (herein is determined as more than two or three sentences or the equivalent) or graphic material that is reproduced from other sources, requests permission from the copyright holder and, requests, requests, and requests the source for help ; e.g., previous publications.

When plagiarism is denied, the Editor in Chief is responsible for the review of this paper and will ask for steps that correspond to the level of plagiarism issued in this paper in accordance with the following instructions:


The level of plagiarism

Minor: Short sections of other articles are traced without significant data or ideas taken from other papers.

Action: A warning is given to the author and a request to change the text and citations correctly to the original article was made.


Intermediate: Most papers are plagiarized without citations matching the citation paper.

Action: Articles submitted were rejected and submitted, the article was further rejected for one year.


Severe: Most papers are traced which produce reproducing original results or ideas presented in other publications.

Actions: This paper was rejected and issued by further authors for five years.


It is understandable because all authors are responsible for the contents of the papers they send because they all read and discuss Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP) Copyright and Licensing. If the sentence is handed down for plagiarism, all writers will be subject to the same sentence.

If a second plagiarism case by the same author is identified, a decision on the actions to be enforced will be made by the Editorial board (Editor in Chief, and Editorial members) with the Chief Editor in Chief. The author is issued to submit further articles forever.

This policy also applies to materials reproduced from other publications by the same author. If an author uses text or images that have been previously published, the appropriate paragraph or number must be published and previously referenced. Can refute in the case of a review paper or tutorial paper in which a lot of previously published material.

Authors must exclude sources from previously published material and obtain permission from the original author and publisher. If someone sent the manuscript to Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP) with a significant overlap with the manuscript sent to another journal simultaneously, and this overlap was found during the review process or after the publication of both papers, another journal editor participated who reported it as a case of severe plagiarism. Significant overlap means the use of identical or more identical numbers and identical or slightly verified text for some or more papers. For plagiarism itself, less than half the paper but more than one tenth of the paper, the case must be more than medium plagiarism. If plagiarism is limited to the method, this case must be considered minor plagiarism.

If an author uses some previously published material to clarify the presentation of new results, previously published material must confirm and update for this publication to be published. Permission to republish must be obtained from the copyright holder. In publications that are published in the process of publication and then submitted for publication in Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP) in either a connected or publication form, the author must discuss the name of the process and publication and publication to obtain permission to republish from the copyright holder. The editor may decide not to accept this paper for publication.

However, an author is permitted to use material from unpublished presentations, including visual displays, in subsequent journal publications. In the case of submitted publications, originally published in other languages, the original title, date, and journal of the publication must be identified by the author, and copyright must be obtained. Editors can accept such translated publications to attract the attention of a wider audience. Editors can choose specific papers that have been published (eg "historic" papers) for republication to provide a better perspective of a series of papers published in an issue of Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP). This republication must be clearly identified and the date and journal of the original publication must be given, and permission from the author (s) and publisher must be obtained.

The layout editor of Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLP) for the Journal is responsible for maintaining the list of authors who are penalized and will check that authors were not sent on this list. If the banned author is identified, the layout editor will notify the Chief Editor who will take the appropriate action. This policy will be posted on the website with instructions for sending the manuscript, and a copy will be sent to the author with a confirmation email after the initial receipt of their original manuscript.