The Model of Leadership Style and Work Productivity


  • Muhammad Syafri Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Graha Kirana



Leadership, Discipline, Productivity


The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of leadership of the Head
of the West Java Provincial Education Office on the work productivity of employees of the
West Java Provincial Education Office; (2) the effect of employee discipline on the work
productivity of employees of the West Java Provincial Education Office; and (3) the effect of
leadership and employee discipline on the work productivity of employees of the West Java
Provincial Education Office. The research method used is descriptive and explanatory survey
method using a sample of West Java Provincial Education Office employees as respondents,
totaling 50 people. Based on the results of the study, the research results show that leadership
in the West Java Provincial Education Office is generally good, but there are several things that
need attention, namely the lack of smooth communication between employees and leaders, a
less conducive work atmosphere, less attention to employee conditions and unclear task
structures; employee discipline is considered quite good, but it is necessary to improve
discipline, namely punctuality of attendance, obedience in following SOPs, and responsibility
in maintaining work infrastructure; leadership affects employee work productivity, where the
better leadership will result in better work productivity of employees of the West Java
Provincial Education Office; discipline affects employee work productivity, so that the higher
employee discipline, the higher work productivity will be; and leadership and employee
discipline together affect employee work productivity, but when viewed partially it turns out
that leadership is more dominant in influencing employee work productivity than employee


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How to Cite

Syafri, M. (2024). The Model of Leadership Style and Work Productivity. Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary, 1(4), 172–184.