
  • Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary

    Siber Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (SJAM) is a journal devoted to the publication of scientific articles published by Siber Nusantara Research and under the umbrella of the Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER) and published 4 times a year, namely April, July, October, and January. SJAM as a scientific journal is expected to be able to show the wider community the wealth of knowledge covering various dimensions of life.


  • Siber Nusantara of Community and Service Review

    Siber Nusantara of Comunity and Service Review (SNCSR) is open access and peer-reviewed, managed and published by Siber Nusantara Research Publisher and under the umbrella of the Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER) which is a medium for disseminating research results of scientists and engineers in the fields of information technology and information systems. SNCSR is a journal that is published regularly twice a year, every October and April with the aim of exploring, developing and explaining information knowledge systems, so that practitioners and researchers are informed about current issues and best practices, and serves as a platform for information exchange. ideas, knowledge, and expertise among technology researchers and practitioners.

  • Jurnal Siber Multi Disiplin

    Jurnal Siber Multi Disiplin (JSMD)  adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Siber Nusantara Research dan di payungi Oleh Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER). Perbitan jurnal ini 4 kali dalam setahun yaitu April, Juli, Oktober, dan Januari. 

    Ruang lingkup dan fokus terkait dengan penelitian dengan pendekatan Multidisipliner, yang meliputi: Ilmu Manajemen, Manajemen SDM, Manajemen Pemasaran & Manajemen Keungan, Ilmu Ekonomi, dan Akuntansi, Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Informasi Teknik Informatika & Manajemen Informatika, Perdagangan, Manajemen Perhotelan, Pariwisata, Perjalanan, Seni & Budaya, Manjemen Pendidikan, Pendidikan Dasar, Pendidikan Islam & Pendidikan Olahraga, Ilmu Politik, Ilmu Hukum & Ilmu Sosial, Administrasi public & Administrai Pemerintahan, Ilmu Olah Raga, Sejarah & Humaniora, Sosiologi, Psikologi, Ilmu Kesehatan, Kedoteran & Kebidanan, Media & Komunikasi, Ilmu Lingkungan, Ilmu Perpustakaan, Ilmu Pertanian, Perbankan, Manajemen proyek, Manajemen Portofolio, Analisis Keamanan, Kewiraswastaan & Manajemen Retail, Manajemen Tranportasi, Logistik & Expesdidi, Medis, Kesehatan, Kedokteran, Bilogi, Fisika, Kimia, Agoronomi & Pertambangan, dan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industi & Teknik Perkapalan.

    Kami Informasikan kepada seluruh Penulis Jurnal Siber Multi Disiplin (JSMD) mulai dari Vol. 1 No. 4 (Januari 2024) Silakan kirimkan Artikel atau Tulisan Sesuai Template terbaru yang kami sediakan di halaman MENU jurnal.

  • Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review

    Siber Nusantara of Law and Politic Review (SNLPR) is a research journal in the field of Law, Humanities, and Politics published since 2024 by Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER). This journal aims to disseminate research results to academics, practitioners, students, and other parties with an interest in the field of law.

  • Siber Journal of Transportation and Logistics

    Siber Journal of Transportation and Logistics (SJTL) is managed and published by Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER). SJTL articles are the result of field research, literature studies, and public policy research. This publication aims to disseminate the results of scientific research in the field of transportation and logistics management, in improving the quality of the development of the public transportation sector. SJTL is published regularly, namely four times a year, in April, July, October, and January.

    We inform all writers of Siber Journal of Transportation and Logistics (SJTL) starting from Vol 1 No 3 October 2023. Please submit articles or articles according to the latest Template that we provide on the MENU page of the journal.

  • Siber Nusantara of Education and Sport Review

    Siber Nusantara of Education and Sport Review (SNESR) is managed and published by Siber Nusantara Research Publisher and Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER). SNESR articles contain research articles (research articles) in the field of education carried out by teachers, lecturers and independent researchers. These studies include educational philosophy, educational psychology, educational guidance and counseling, educational methodology, educational policy analysis, educational management, leadership analysis and other research in the practical field of education.

  • Jurnal Siber Transportasi dan Logistik

    Jurnal Siber Transportasi dan Logistik (JSTL) dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Siber Nusantara Research & Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER).  Artikel-artikel JSTL merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan (field research), studi literatur, dan penelitian kebijakan publik. Tujuan penerbitan untuk mendesiminasikan hasil penelitian ilmiah dalam bidang manajemen transportasi dan logisitik, dalam peningkatan kualitas pembangunan sektor transportasi publik. JSTL terbit secara berkala yaitu empat kali dalam setahun, pada April, Juli, Oktober, dan Januari.

  • Siber Nusantara of Economic and Finance Review

    Siber Nusantara of Economic and Finance Review (SNEFR) is managed and published by Siber Nusantara Research Publisher and under the umbrella of the Yayasan Sinergi Inovasi Bersama (SIBER). Siber Nusantara of Economic and Finance Review (SNEFR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the fields of Economics, Business, Management, Finance, Accounting, and other fields of Management Economics. The articles published include the results of original scientific research (top priority), new scientific review articles (not a priority), as well as the results of studies in the fields of Economics and Accounting.